Wang,Zheng |
MS,Lecturer,Wood Proc.
College of Mechanical and Electronic Eng.
Northwest A&F University
Xinong Road, 22, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
Education Background
1999-2002 Master degree, Northwest A&F University (P. R. China)
1990-1994 Bachelor degree, Hangzhou Dianzi University (P. R. China)
Working Experiences
2007-present Lecturer, College of Mechan. Electr. Eng., Northwest A&F University
2002-2007 Assistant Lecturer, College of Mechan. Electr. Eng., Northwest A&F University
1994-1998 Assistant Engineer, Zhejiang Universal Machinery Limited Company,
WanXiang Group, Hangzhou, P. R. China
Research Interests
·Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional CAD
·Packaging design
Professional Membership
China Graphics Society
Selected Publications (*Corresponding author)
Wang Z., Shi Z., 2010. Application of Pro/Engineer in Design of Rigid Plastic Package Container. Packaging Engineering, 31(23): 73-76
Yang F., Wang Z.*, Yang Q., Zhang Y., 2007. Application of wavelet transform-based Wiener filtering method to denoise in agricultural product images. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 23(2): 145-150
Wang Z., 2006. Interpret and Analyze the Child Safe Problem and Contermeasure in the Packaging of Products. Shanghai Packaging, 2006(03): 16-17
Wang Z., 2006. the Child Safe Problem and Contermeasure in the Packaging of Products. Hunan Packaging, 2006(06): 6-8
Yang F., Zhang Y., Wang Z.*, Yang Q., 2006. Application of Wavelet Transform-based Wiener Filtering Method to Reduce Additive Noise in Apple Image. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 37(12): 130-133
Yang F., Wang H., Yang Q., Wang Z., 2005. Wavelet Transform and Its Application in the Processing of Fruit Image. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 36(5): 61-64
Yang F., Wang Z., Yang Q., 2004. Methods for contrast enhancement of agricultural images using wavelet transform. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 20(3): 124-129
Wang Z., Xing S., 2002. Interior Design of Light Environment Based on Human Technology. Furniture & Interior Decoration, 03: 60-61