

          发布日期:2025-03-25     浏览次数:









主要从事农业生产轻简化技术与装备研究,国际玛丽居里学者,兼任陕西省农机产业技术体系负责人(首席专家)、国际期刊《Food Packaging and Shelf Life》编委及客座主编等。先后承担了欧盟-玛丽·居里学者杰出人才基金、国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金、科技部外专项目、中德农业科技合作基金、省农业关键核心技术攻关项目等。以第一/通讯作者发表学术论文50余篇(含中科院一区论文35篇)、参编中英文学术专著3部、授权国家专利20余项。研发改良产品包括:水果智能催熟机、果蔬绿色育苗机、辣椒秧苗移栽机、果园小型分选机、果蔬智能包装机、残膜回收机等。获得(或入选)陕西省青年科技新星(2020年)、河南省优秀青年科技专家(2018年)、第四届河南省自然科学三等奖(2018年)、第十三届河南省青年科技奖(2018年)、欧盟-玛丽·居里学者奖(2015年)、江苏省优秀博士学位论文(2012年)等。

一. 教育背景




二. 工作经历




三. 开设/参与课程




四. 主要学术成果(近5年)

1. Investigation of the horizontal collision damage behavior of fruit during transporting based on a new instrumented impactor. Postharvest Biology and Technology,2024,213,112977.

2.Preserving freshness:Innovations for fresh-eating fruit distribution and damage prevention – A review. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2024, 44, 101323.

3.Wind disturbance-based tomato seedlings growth control. Biosystems Engineering, 2024, 243, 82-92.

4.Effect of expanded polyethylene (EPE) foam packing net design on the mechanical damage resistance of strawberry fruit during transportation. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2023,40,101193

5.Effect of cell size distribution on mechanical properties of strawberry fruit tissue. Food Research International. 2023, 169, 112787

6.Biomechanical response of the above-groundorgansin tomato seedling at different age levels under wind-flow disturbance.Scientia Horticulturae, 2023, 311, 111835

7.Impact of mechanical stimulation on the life cycle of horticultural plant. Horticultural Plant Journal. 2023, 9, 381-394.

8.Analysis of the correlation between mesocarp biomechanics and its cell turgor pressure: A combined FEM-DEM investigation for irrigation-caused tomato cracking. Journal of Texture Studies. 2023, 54: 206-221.

9.Development of a new bio-microscope for 3D geometry characterization of fruit single cells. Journal of Texture Studies. 2023, 54: 76-84.

10.Thermo-biomechanical coupling analysis for preventing tomato fruit cracking during ripening. Journal of Food Engineering.2023, 341, 111336.

11.Variations in the biomechanics of 16 palmar hand regions related to bionic tomato picking. Journal of Bionic Engineering. 2023, 20: 278-290.

12.Prediction of the cracking susceptibility of tomatopericarp: Three-point bending simulation using an extended finite element method. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2022, 187, 111876.

13.A new method for reconstructing the 3D shape of single cells in fruit. Food Research International. 2022, 162, 112017.

14.Analysis of the collision-damage susceptibility of sweet cherry related to environment temperature: A numerical simulating method. Journal of Food Engineering. 2022, 333, 111140.

15.Prediction of the temperature sensitivity of strawberry drop damage using dynamic finite element method. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2022, 190, 111939.

16.Textural thermo-mechanical properties of sweet cherry for post-harvest damage analysis. Journal of Texture Studies. 2022, 53, 453-464.

17.Numerical simulation as a tool for predicting mechanical damage in fresh fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2022, 187, 111875.

18.Grasping behavior of the human hand during tomato picking. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2021, 180, 105901.

19.Soft grasping mechanism of human fingers for tomato-picking bionic robots. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2021, 182, 106010.

20.An extended finite element model for fracture mechanical response of tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2021, 174, 111468.

21.Finite element method for freezing and thawing industrial food processes. Foods. 2021, 10(4), 869.

22.The development of a two-finger dexterous bionic hand with three grasping patterns-NWAFU hand. Journal of Bionic Engineering. 2020, 17(4), 718-731.

23.Differences in the cell morphology and microfracture behaviour of tomato fruit tissues during ripening. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2020, 164, 111182.

24.Effect of object and human-factor characteristics on the preference of thumb-index finger grasp type.Ergonomics. 2020, 63(11), 1414-1424.

25.The influence of manual harvesting on the quality of picked apples and the picker’s muscle load. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2020, 175, 105511.

26.Characterization of textural failure mechanics of strawberry fruit. Journal of Food Engineering. 2020, 282, 110016.

27.Effect of fruit and hand characteristics on thumb-index finger power-grasp stability during manual fruit sorting. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2019, 157, 479-487.

28.An anthropometric study for the anthropomorphic design of tomato harvesting robots. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2019, 163, 104881.

29.Factors affecting human hand grasp type in tomato fruit-picking: A statistical investigation for ergonomic development of harvesting robot. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2019, 157, 90-97.

30.Investigation on the cooperative grasping capabilities of human thumb and index finger. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. 2019, 13, 92.

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