Email:dzhtyao@126.com, dzhtyao@nwafu.edu.cn
一. 教育背景
二. 工作经历
2015-2018,美国华盛顿州立大学生物系统工程系,博士后研究助理(Postdoctoral research associate)
2023 陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖一等奖(排名第1)
2022 陕西省环境保护科学技术奖一等奖(排名第1)
2022 IBS2022“励新杯”中国生物质能源与有机固废资源化利用年度评选“行业十大人物”
2021 中国产学研合作创新成果奖一等奖(排名第1)
2021 发明创业奖·创新奖一等奖(排名第1)
2021 陕西省电源行业自然科学奖(排名第1)(本届共2项)
2021 陕西省电源学会2021年度优秀论文奖一等奖
2021 第十二届发明创业奖·人物奖
2021 陕西省电源行业领军人物
2021 陕西省电源行业青年科技奖
2021 陕西省电源学会青年学术贡献奖
2020 陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助(重点)项目(本届全省共2人)
2020 中国产学研合作创新奖(个人)
2020 第二届陕西省“最美三秦青年科技创新之星”(本届全省共10人)
2020 “新时代背景下生物质厌氧发酵提质增效新技术和新方法”研究成果入编《中国农业年鉴》2020卷
2019 陕西省电源学会首届年度“行业领军人物”
2019 陕西省电源学会首届年度“青年学术贡献奖”
2019 陕西省电源学会首届年度“优秀论文一等奖”
2018 SCI一区Top期刊 Energy Conversion and Management 杰出审稿人
2015 部分研究进展入选生物燃料领域IF最高学术期刊Biotechnology forBiofuels年度“十大热点研究成果”
2013 李政道奖学金(本届全省共5人)
2013 第十六次全国环境微生物学“简浩然环境微生物基金优秀文奖”(本届全国共20人)。
2022 指导教师,指导本科生(获奖者:李安洁、魏昊宇、胡洋洋、赵茜、李偲昊)参加全国大学生生命科学竞赛陕西赛区(2022,科学探究类),陕西省三等奖,全国大学生生命科学竞赛陕西赛区委员会。
2022 指导教师,指导本科生(李安洁主持,钱佳钰、郑均美、王佳文参与)的“一种基于沼液富集微生物的新型三氯乙酸电化学传感器构建及其机理研究”申报大学生创新创业训练计划项目,获批创新训练类国家级项目(No. 202210712052),西北农林科技大学教务处。
2021 优秀指导教师”称号,指导本科生(李安洁)参加全国大学生市政环境类创新实践能力大赛第三届北控水务杯,西部赛区二等奖,虚拟仿真实验教学创新联盟环境科学与工程类专业工作委员会。
2021 “优秀指导教师”称号,指导本科生(魏昊宇)参加全国大学生市政环境类创新实践能力大赛第三届北控水务杯,西部赛区二等奖,虚拟仿真实验教学创新联盟环境科学与工程类专业工作委员会。
2021 “优秀指导教师”称号,指导本科生(裴宏泽)参加全国大学生市政环境类创新实践能力大赛第三届北控水务杯,西部赛区三等奖,虚拟仿真实验教学创新联盟环境科学与工程类专业工作委员会。
2019 指导教师,指导研究生(王飞、王超、郝伟、韩建聪)完成的“面向家庭园艺的有机废弃物好氧-厌氧肥制备与栽培装置”参加第七届全国农建大赛,一等奖,教育部高等学校农业工程类专业教学指导委员会、中国农业工程学会。
2019- 农业部农村可再生能源开发利用西部科学观测实验站副站长
2021.12 教育部第五轮学科评估评审专家
2020-2023 陕西省农村能源环保技术体系岗位专家
2019 受邀担任年农业科学技术与生态工程国际学术会议(ASTEE)大会组委会主席
2020 受邀担任 the World Gene Convention (WGC) conference 生物能源与生物燃料(Session 6-9: Bioenergy & Biofuels)分会主席
2018 受邀担任第十三届亚洲生物制氢和生物炼制学术会议分会场轮值主席
2020 受邀担任International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment(ISWEE) 组委会委员
2019 受邀在年全国农业固废资源化利用产业大会上做主题报告
2020 受邀在 the World Gene Convention (WGC) conference 生物能源与生物燃料(Session 6-9: Bioenergy & Biofuels)分会做邀请报告
2017 受邀在 The“1 st International Biotechnology Congress (IBC)” 做主题报告
2016 受邀在 The“2nd International Congress and Expo on Biofuels &Bioenergy”做主题报告
2013 受邀在第十六次全国环境微生物学学术研讨会做主题报告。
主持/参与国家重点研发计划项目(重点类项目)(项目负责人)、国家海外高层次人才引进计划青年项目、国家自然科学基金、科技部国际科技合作项目(共两项:寒区低温环境下沼气厌氧发酵技术与装备研究、中巴农业生物质能源技术研发与示范联合中心)、首批陕西省高层次人才引进计划青年项目、教育部产学合作协同育人项目、陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目(重点)、陕西省重点研发计划、西北农林科技大学青年杰出人才项目等多个国家与省部级项目。以第一/通讯作者在Advanced Science、Microbiome、Environmental Science & Technology、Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2篇)等多个国际知名学术期刊发表学术论文40余篇;申请发明专利23件,授权9件(转化2件);主编/副主编专著4部,其中主编的两部分别入选科学出版社和石油与化工行业十四五规划教材。
[42] Xu, K., Lv, X., Yue, F., Zhang, L., Wang, P., Amoah, I. D., Tang, K. D., Yao, Y. Q.*, Li, R.. (2024). Effects of phosphate-solubilizing fungus Aspergillus flavus AF-LRH1 on promoting phosphorus solubilization, wheat growth and soil heavy metal remediation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 12(6): 114357.
[41] Wang, M., Liu, Z., Wei, H., Huang, J., Lyu, H., Shao, Y., Li, W.., Duo, J., Zhou, L., Yao, Y. Q.*. (2024). Comparative metagenomics reveals the higher methanogenic potential of fresh corn stalks over dry corn stalks. Environment, Development and Sustainability 1573-2975.
[40] Wu, H., Zhang,H., Yan, R., Li, S., Guo, X., Qiu, L., Yao, Y. Q.*. (2024). Limosilactobacillus Regulating Microbial Communities to Overcome the Hydrolysis Bottleneck with Efficient One-Step Co-Production of H2 and CH4. Advanced Science 11(43): e2406119.
[39] Wu, H., Li, A., Zhang, H., Li, S., Yang, C., Lv, H., Yao, Y. Q.*. (2024). Microbial mechanisms for higher hydrogen production in anaerobic digestion at constant temperature versus gradient heating. Microbiome 12(1): 170.
[38] Yang, X.,Yan, R., Li, S., Li, F., Yang, C., Zhang, H., Lyu, H., Liu, T., Zhou, L., Li, W., Duo, J., Li, R., Yao, Y. Q.*. (2024). Soil drives humus formation during composition of wheat straw and cattle manure. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 12(4): 151487.
[37] Zhang,H., Qiu, Y., Liu, T., Yang, X., Yan, R., Wu, H., Li, A., Liu, J., Wei,Y., Yao, Y. Q.*. (2024). H2 production from coal by enriching sugar fermentation and alkane oxidation with hyperthermophilic resistance microbes in municipal wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal 489, 151487.
[36] Wu, X., Zhao, X., Wu, W., Hou, J., Zhang, W., Tang, D.K., Zhang, X., Yang, G., Zhang, Z. Yao, Y. Q.*, Li R.. (2024). Biotic and abiotic effects of manganese salt and apple branch biochar co-application on humification in the co-composting of hog manure and sawdust. Chemical Engineering Journal 482, 149077.
[35] Yang, X., Yan, R.,Yang, C., Zhang, H., Lyu, H., Li, S., Liu, T., Li, R., Yao, Y. Q.*, Li, W., Gao, L. J.. (2024). Soil accelerates the humification involved in co-composting of wheat straw and cattle manure by promoting humus formation. Chemical Engineering Journal 479, 147583.
[34] Yan, R., Wu, H., Yang, X.,Yang, C., Lyu, H., Zhang, H., Li, S., Liu, T., Li, R., Yao, Y. Q.*. (2023). Soil decreases N2O emission and increases TN content during combined composting of wheat straw and cow manure by inhibiting denitrification. Chemical Engineering Journal 477, 147306.
[33] 吴恒,赵茜,李汶鸿,王嘉祺,李安洁,郑钧美,王佳文,姚义清*. 基于聚己内酯的固相反硝化工艺处理低碳污水动力学特性及经验模型. 安全与环境工程, 2023, 30(4): 262-268. DOI: 10. 13578/j.cnki.issn.1671-1556.20220883.
[32] Lyu, H., Chen, J., Wang, M., Zhang, H., Wu, H., Liu, T., Yang, X., Guo, X., Wang, X., Ai, P., Li, Z., Lin, M., Wang, J., Xu, C., Qiu, L., Shi, C., Yao, Y. Q.*. (2023). Recycling cinder in efficient methane production from wheat straw via__solid-state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD). Chemical Engineering Journal 462, 142231.
[31] Yang, C., Yao, Y. Q.*, Qian, J., Zhang, H.. (2023). Cyclic Freeze-thaw Treatment on Enzymatic Saccharification of Lignocellulose (Wheat Straw) and its Synergism Effect with Alkali. BioEnergy Research 16(4): 2262-2272.
[30] Huang, J., Yan, X., Liu, Z., Wang, M., Hu, Y., Li, Z., Lin, M., Yao, Y. Q.*. (2023). Metagenomics Combined with High-Throughput Sequencing Reveals the Methanogenic Potential of Fresh Corn Straw under Thermophilic and High OLR. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 10(03): 403-423.
[29] Wu, H., Zheng, J., Wang, J., Li, A. J., Sun, S., Zhang, H., Yao, Y. Q.*, Zhan G.. (2023). The clean nitrogen removal process based on solid carbon sources: Researchprogress and outlook. Journal of Cleaner Production383, 135508.
[28]Zhang,H.,Yao,Y.Q.*, Deng, J.,Zhang,J.L., Qiu,Y., Li,G., Liu,J.(2022).Hydrogen production via anaerobic digestion of coal modified by white-rot fungi and its application benefits analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157, 112091.
[27]Liu,Z., Huang,J.,Yao,Y.Q.* Wang,M., Li,A. (2022). Effect of Pretreatment by Freeze Vacuum Drying on Solid-State Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Straw. Fermentation 8 (6), 259.
[26]张怀文,姚义清*,谢昌文. 不同联合预处理对褐煤厌氧发酵产甲烷的影响. 煤田地质与勘探,2021,49(4):162-169. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1986.2021.04.019.
[25] Pang, N., Bergeron, A.D., Gu, X.Y., Fu, X., Dong, T., Yao,Y.Q.* and Chen, S.* (2020). Recycling of Nutrients from Dairy Wastewater by Extremophilic Microalgae with High Ammonia Tolerance. Environmental Science & Technology. 54, 15366-15375.
[24] Yu, X., Zhang, C., Qiu, L.*, Yao, Y.Q.*, Sun, G., Gu, X. (2020). Anaerobic digestion of swine manure using aqueous pyrolysis liquid as an additive. Renewable Energy.147, 2484-2493.
[23] Deng, Y.F., Qiu, Y., Yao, Y.Q.*, Ayiania, M., and Davaritouchaee, M (2020). Weak-base pretreatment to increase biomethane production from wheat straw; Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 1-15.
[22] Shi, F.X., Wang, Y.J., Davaritouchaee, M., Yao, Y.Q.* and Kang K (2020). Directional Structure Modification of Poplar Biomass-Inspired High Efficacy of Enzymatic Hydrolysis by Sequential Dilute Acid-Alkali Treatment; ACS Omega. 5, 24780−24789.
[21] Qiu,L.#, Deng,Y.F.#, Wang,F., Davaritouchaee,M., Yao,Y.Q.* (2019). A review on biochar-mediated anaerobic digestion with enhanced methane recovery. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 115, 109373.
[20] Kang, K., Qiu, L., Sun, G., Zhu, M., Yang, X., Yao,Y.Q. Sun, R. (2019). Codensification technology as a critical strategy for energy recovery from biomass and other resources-A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.116, 109414.
[19] Yao, Y.Q.*, Li, H.Y., Qiu, L., Shi, J., Chen, S.L., Qiu, Y.J., Yu, X.N., Qiang, H., Yang, Y. (2019). Facilitated methanogenesis involved in anaerobic digestion of dairy manure by soil. Journal of Cleaner Production. 236, 117640.
[18] Deng, Y., Qiu, L.*, Shao, Y., Yao, Y.Q.*. (2019). Process modeling and optimizing of anaerobic co-digestion of peanut hull and swine manure using response surface methodology. Energy & Fuels. 33, 11021-11033.
[17] Yao, Y.*, Zhou, J., An, L., Kafle, G. K., Chen, S., & Qiu, L*. (2018). Role of soil in improving process performance and methane yield of anaerobic digestion with corn straw as substrate. Energy, 151, 998-1006.
[16] Yao, Y.*, Bergeron, A. D., &Davaritouchaee, M. (2018). Methane recovery from anaerobic digestion of urea-pretreated wheat straw. Renewable Energy, 115, 139-148.
[15] Deng, Y., Qiu, L.*, Yao, Y.*, & Qin, M. (2018). A technology for strongly improving methane production from rice straw: freeze–thaw pretreatment. RSC Advances, 8(40), 22643-22651.
[14] Hou, X., Qiu, L.*, Luo, S., Kang, K., Zhu, M., &Yao, Y*. (2018). Chemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of wood vinegars at different pyrolysis temperature ranges obtained from Eucommia ulmoides Olivers branches. RSC Advances, 8(71), 40941-40949.
[13] Yao, Y., Wei, Y., An, L., & Zhou, J*. (2018). Effect of Inoculum on Anaerobic Co-digestion of Vegetable Processing Wastes and Cattle Manure at High Solids Concentration. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 9(11), 2091-2098.
[12] Yao, Y., Chen, S*. (2018). 4. Digester Technology for Small and Medium Sized Dairy Farms. Technology Research and Extension Related to Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Manure.
[11] Yao, Y., Yu, L., Ghogare, R., Dunsmoor, A., Davaritouchaee, M., & Chen, S*. (2017). Simultaneous ammonia stripping and anaerobic digestion for efficient thermophilic conversion of dairy manure at high solids concentration. Energy, 141, 179-188.
[10] Zeb, I., Ma, J., Frear, C., Zhao, Q., Ndegwa, P.*, Yao, Y., & Kafle, G. K. (2017). Recycling separated liquid-effluent to dilute feedstock in anaerobic digestion of dairy manure. Energy, 119, 1144-1151.
[9] Yao, Y.*, Chen, S., & Kafle, G. K. (2017). Importance of “weak-base” poplar wastes to process performance and methane yield in solid-state anaerobic digestion. Journal of environmental management, 193, 423-429.
[8] Zhou, J.#, Yao, Y.#, Jiao, K., Zhang, J., Zheng, X., Wu, F., ... & Jiang, N. (2017). Relationship between Gingival Crevicular Fluid Microbiota and Cytokine Profile in Periodontal Host Homeostasis. Frontiers in microbiology, 8, 2144.
[6] Yao, Y.*, & Chen, S. (2016). A novel and simple approach to the good process performance of methane recovery from lignocellulosic biomass alone. Biotechnology for biofuels, 9(1), 115.
[5] Yao, Y*. (2016). Leading pretreatments for enhancing the degradability of lignocellulosic wastes and the final products. Environmental Technology Reviews, 5(1), 103-111.
[4] Yao, Y., Luo, Y., Li, T., Yang, Y., Sheng, H., Virgo, N., ... & An, L*. (2014). Using the properties of soil to speed up the start-up process, enhance process stability, and improve the methane content and yield of solid-state anaerobic digestion of alkaline-pretreated poplar processing residues. Biotechnology for biofuels, 7(1), 160.
[3] Yao, Y., Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Sheng, H., Li, X., Li, T., ... & An, L*. (2014). Water free anaerobic co-digestion of vegetable processing waste with cattle slurry for methane production at high total solid content. Energy, 74, 309-313.
[2] Yao, Y., Sheng, H., Luo, Y., He, M., Li, X., Zhang, H., ... & An, L*. (2014). Optimization of anaerobic co-digestion of Solidago canadensis L. biomass and cattle slurry. Energy, 78, 122-127.
[1] Yao, Y., He, M., Ren, Y., Ma, L., Luo, Y., Sheng, H., ... & An, L*. (2013). Anaerobic digestion of poplar processing residues for methane production after alkaline treatment. Bioresource technology, 134, 347-352.
1. 发明专利:姚义清张怀文. 秸秆类生物质发酵过程热能收集与循环供能装置及方法:CN202010899833.1[P]. 2020-11-17.
2.发明专利:安黎哲姚义清盛红梅向云何木兰马丽英张华何文亮. 一种湿式常温处理提高杨树废料沼气产量的方法:CN201210096657.3[P]. 2012-07-25.
3.实用新型:姚义清黄金芝高泽宁. 一种便携手持电动式厌氧反应搅拌器:CN202120579640.8[P]. 2021-11-19.
4.实用新型:邓刚安黎哲盛红梅姚义清孙丽坤张娟马丽英贺炯杰. 一种厌氧微生物分离纯化装置:CN201020251883.0[P]. 2011-01-12.
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