

          发布日期:2023-09-30     浏览次数:





Webpage: https://fu3lab.wordpress.com/,https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Longsheng_Fu



2009.01~2012.03,北海道大学(Hokkaido University),环境资源学,博士









2012.04~2013.03,北海道大学(Hokkaido University),专门研究员




Editor-in-Chief(主编),中科院一区Top期刊《Computers and Electronics in Agriculture》(SCI、IF5:8.4)

AssociateEditor(副主编),中科院基础版一区Top期刊《Precision Agriculture》(SCI、IF5:6.1)

Editorial Board(编委),中科院一区Top期刊《Biosystems Engineering》(SCI、IF5:5.2)

栏目编辑,中科院二区期刊《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》(SCI、IF5:2.4)

编委,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划《Information Processing in Agriculture》(ESCI、EI,CiteScore 13.7,IF:7.7)

编委,Elsevier期刊《Smart Agricultural Technology》(ESCI,IF:6.3)

青年编委,《农业机械学报》(EI收录,CN 11-1964/S)

青年编委,中国科技核心期刊《智慧农业(中英文)》(ISSN 2096-8094,CN 10-1681/S)

青年编委,《智能化农业装备学报(中英文)》(ISSN 2096-7217,CN 32-1887/S2)

GuestEditor,Frontiers inPlantScience(中科院二区)





主要研究方向为智慧农业技术与装备,针对果园进行全程智能化生产研究,研发的猕猴桃采摘机器人、授粉机器人、果园智能测产App等被央视CCTV17《我爱发明》、《超级新农人》、陕西卫视等栏目专题报道。在Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Precision Agriculture、Biosystems Engineering、Journal of the ASABE、Journal of Field Robotics、Journal of Food Engineering、International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (IJABE)、农业工程学报、农业机械学报、Information Processing in Agriculture、Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture等权威期刊上发表SCI论文40篇(ESI高被引论文7篇)、EI论文85篇,连续入选World top 2% scientists(全球前2%科学家榜单),获中国发明专利12项、国际发明专利2项、实用新型专利43项、外观设计专利1项、软件著作权20余项。



陕西省第十五届自然科学优秀论文奖(通讯作者)、陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖(1/7)、ASABE 2022 ITSC Paper Awards(美国农业与生物工程师年会优秀论文)、中国农业工程学会40周年40篇优秀论文奖、2021智慧农业创新发展国际研讨会优秀论文奖、2021年中国科技期刊农林学科年度优秀论文奖、F5000论文奖,六次获得本领域公认权威期刊颁发的“Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing”(杰出审稿人)荣誉称号。

获西北农林科技大学教学成果特等奖、二等奖,指导研究生获得校优秀硕士学位论文8人、国家奖学金7人、校长奖学金3人、优秀研究生11人;指导学生在各类竞赛中获全国特/一等奖5次、二等奖8次、三等奖5次,西北赛区一等奖3次、二等奖4次、三等奖4次,优秀指导教师5次;指导本科毕业生获得陕西省优秀毕业生 1 人、校百篇优秀毕业设计 1 人、校级优秀毕业设计 3 人、院级优秀毕业设计 5 人。


兼任中国作物学会智慧农业分委会、中国农业机械学会基础技术分会、中国农业机械学会人工智能分会、中国农业机械学会青年委员会、中国农业工程学会农业电气化与信息化分会、中国农业工程学会青年科技委员会、国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)8.1 Control in Agriculture专委会、美国农业与生物工程师协会(ASABE)MS-48 Specialty Crop Engineering分会等多个行业技术团体的委员。



承担Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Biosystems Engineering、Transactions of the ASABE、Precision Agriculture、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、Computers in Industry、农业工程学报、农业机械学报、光谱学与光谱分析、食品科学、中国农业大学学报、Postharvest Biology and Technology等50余个期刊的审稿任务。获Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Biosystems Engineering、Computers in Industry、IJABE、农业工程学报的“Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing”荣誉。






[1]   Wulan Mao, Bryan Murengami, Hanhui Jiang, Rui Li, Long He, Longsheng Fu*. UAV-based high-throughput phenotyping to segment individual apple tree row based on geometrical features of poles and colored point cloud. Journal of the ASABE, 2024, 67(5), 1231-1240.

[2]   Liguo Jiang, Hanhui Jiang, Xudong Jing, Haojie Dang, Rui Li, Jinyong Chen, Yaqoob Majeed, Ramesh Sahni, Longsheng Fu*. UAV-based field watermelon detection and counting using YOLOv8s with image panorama stitching and overlap partitioning. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, 2024, 13, 117–127.

[3]   Xudong Jing, Hanhui Jiang, Shiao Niu, Haosen Zhang, Bryan Gilbert Murengami, Zhenchao Wu, Rui Li, Chengquan Zhou, Hongbao Ye*, Jinyong Chen*, Yaqoob Majeed, Longsheng Fu*. End-to-end stereo matching network with two-stage partition filtering for full-resolution depth estimation and precise localization of kiwifruit for robotic harvesting. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 225, 109333.

[4]   武振超, 史宇飞, 贺磊磊, 李瑞, CHEN Chao, 傅隆生*. 基于智能手机的手持式树上苹果果径测量系统设计与试验. 农业机械学报, 2024, 55(10), 31-36+50.

[5]   Xiaojuan Liu, Xudong Jing, Hanhui Jiang, Shoaib Younas, Ruiyang Wei, Haojie Dang, Zhenchao Wu, Longsheng Fu*. Performance evaluation of newly released cameras for fruit detection and localization in complex kiwifruit orchard environments. Journal of Field Robotics, 2024, 41: 881-894.(中科院二区、IF:8.3)

[6]   Changqing Gao,Hanhui Jiang,Xiaojuan Liu,Haihong Li,Zhenchao Wu, Xiaoming Sun,Leilei He,Wulan Mao,Yaqoob Majeed,Rui Li*, Longsheng Fu*. Improved binocular localization of kiwifruit in orchard based on fruit and calyx detection using YOLOv5x for robotic picking. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 217: 108621. (中科院一区Top、IF:8.3)


[7]   Zhenchao Wu,Xiaoming Sun,Hanhui Jiang,Fangfang Gao,Rui Li,Longsheng Fu*, Dong Zhang, Spyros Fountas. Twice matched fruit counting system: An automatic fruit counting pipeline in modern apple orchard using mutual and secondary matches. Biosystems Engineering, 2023, 234, 140-155.(中科院一区Top)

[8]   Wentai Fang, Zhenchao Wu, Weiwu Li, Xiaoming Sun, Wulan Mao, Rui Li, Yaqoob Majeed, Longsheng Fu*. Fruit detachment force of multiple varieties kiwifruit with different fruit-stem angles for designing universal robotic picking end-effector. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023, 213, 108225.(中科院一区Top)

[9]   Zhenchao Wu, Xiaoming Sun, Hanhui Jiang, Wulan Mao, Rui Li, Nikita Andriyanov, Vladimir Soloviev, Longsheng Fu*.NDMFCS: An automatic fruit counting system in modern apple orchard using abatement of abnormal fruit detection.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023, 211, 108036.(中科院一区Top)

[10]Hanhui Jiang, Xiaoming Sun, Wentai Fang, Longsheng Fu*, Rui Li, Fernando AuatCheein*, Yaqoob Majeed. Thin wire segmentation and reconstruction based on a novel image overlap-partitioning and stitching algorithm in apple fruiting wall architecture for robotic picking. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023, 209, 107840.(中科院一区Top)

[11]Guanao Zhao, Ruizhe Yang, Xudong Jing, Haosen Zhang, Zhenchao Wu, Xiaoming Sun, Hanhui Jiang, Rui Li, Xiaofeng Wei, Spyros Fountas, Huijun Zhang, Longsheng Fu*. Phenotyping of individual apple tree in modern orchard with novel smartphone-based heterogeneous binocular vision and YOLOv5s. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023, 209, 107814.(中科院一区Top)

[12]Changqing Gao, Leilei He, Wentai Fang, Zhenchao Wu, Hanhui Jiang, Rui Li, Longsheng Fu*. A novel pollination robot for kiwifruit flower based on preferential flowers selection and precisely target. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023, 207, 107762. (中科院一区Top)

[13]Guanao Zhao, Sijie Liu, Guo Li, Wentai Fang, Yangjun Liao, Rui Li, Longsheng Fu*, Jianlong Wang. A customizable automated container-free multi-strip detection and linerecognition system for colorimetric analysis with lateral flow immunoassay for lean meat powder based on machine vision and smartphone. Talanta, 2023, 253, 123925. (中科院一区Top)


[14]Rui Suo, Longsheng Fu*, Leilei He, Guo Li, Yaqoob Majeed, Xiaojuan Liu, Guanao Zhao, Ruizhe Yang, Rui Li. A novel labeling strategy to improve apple seedling segmentation using BlendMask for online grading. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 201, 107333.(中科院一区Top)

[15]武振超, 杨睿哲, 王文奇, 傅隆生*, 崔永杰, 张昭. 异常水培生菜自动分选系统设计与试验[J]. 农业机械学报,2022, 53(7), 282-290.

[16]Xiaoming Sun, Wentai Fang, Changqin Gao, Longsheng Fu*, Yaqoob Majeed, Xiaojuan Liu, Fangfang Gao, Ruizhe Yang. Remote estimation of grafted apple tree trunk diameter in modern orchard with RGB and point cloud based on SOLOv2. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 199, 107209.(中科院一区Top)

[17]Zhenchao Wu, Guo Li, Ruizhe Yang, Longsheng Fu*, Rui Li, Shaojin Wang. Coefficient of restitution of kiwifruit without external interference. Journal of Food Engineering, 2022, 327, 111060.(中科院一区Top)

[18]Fangfang Gao, Wentai Fang, Xiaoming Sun, Zhenchao Wu, Guanao Zhao, Guo Li, Rui Li, Longsheng Fu*, Qin Zhang. A novel apple fruit detection and counting methodology based on deep learning and trunk tracking in modern orchard. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 197, 107000.(ESI高被引论文、中科院一区Top)

[19]Leilei He, Wentai Fang, Guanao Zhao, Zhenchao Wu, Longsheng Fu*, Rui Li, Yaqoob Majeed, Jaspreet Dhupia. Fruit yield prediction and estimation in orchards: A state-of-the-art comprehensive review for both direct and indirect methods. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 195, 106812.(中科院一区Top)

[20]Guo Li, Rui Suo, Guanao Zhao, Changqing Gao, Longsheng Fu*, Fuxi Shi, Jaspreet Dhupia, Rui Li, Yongjie Cui. Real-time detection of kiwifruit flower and bud simultaneously in orchard using YOLOv4 for robotic pollination. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 193, 106641.(ESI高被引论文、中科院一区Top)


[21]Longsheng Fu*, Yali Feng, Jingzhu Wu, Zhihao Liu, Fangfang Gao, Yaqoob Majeed, Ahmad Al-Mallahi, Qin Zhang, Rui Li, Yongjie Cui. Fast and accurate detection of kiwifruit in orchard using improved YOLOv3-tiny model. Precision Agriculture, 2021, 22(3), 754-776.(ESI高被引论文、中科院一区Top)

[22]Zhenchao Wu, Ruizhe Yang, Fangfang Gao, Wenqi Wang, Longsheng Fu*, Rui Li. Segmentation of abnormal leaves of hydroponic lettuce based on DeepLabV3+for robotic sorting. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2021, 190, 106443.(中科院一区Top)

[23]Yongjie Cui, Wenqi Wang, Minghui Wang, Yidong Ma, Longsheng Fu*. Effects of cutter parameters on shearing stress for lettuce harvesting using a specially developed fixture. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2021, 14(4), 152-158.

[24]Rui Suo, Fangfang Gao, Zhongxian Zhou, Longsheng Fu*, Zhenzhen Song. Improved multi-classes kiwifruit detection in orchard to avoid collisions during robotic picking. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2021, 182, 106052.(中科院一区Top)

[25]高芳芳, 武振超, 索睿, 周忠贤, 李瑞, 傅隆生*, 张昭. 基于深度学习与目标跟踪的苹果检测与视频计数方法[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(21), 217-224.

[26]Zhenzhen Song, Zhongxian Zhou, Wenqi Wang, Fangfang Gao, Longsheng Fu*, Rui Li, Yongjie Cui. Canopy segmentation and wire reconstruction for kiwifruit robotic harvesting. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2021, 181, 105933.(中科院一区Top)


[27]Zhongxian Zhou, Zhenzhen Song, Longsheng Fu*, Fangfang Gao, Rui Li, Yongjie Cui. Real-time kiwifruit detection in orchard using deep learning on Android™ smartphones for yield estimation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020, 179, 105856. (中科院一区Top)

[28]  Fangfang Gao, Longsheng Fu*, Xin Zhang, Yaqoob Majeed, Rui Li, Manoj Karkee, Qin Zhang. Multi-class fruit-on-plant detection for apple in SNAP system using Faster R-CNN. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020, 176, 105634. (ESI高被引论文、中科院一区Top,陕西省第十五届自然科学优秀论文奖)

[29]  Longsheng Fu*, Fangfang Gao, Jingzhu Wu, Rui Li, Manoj Karkee*, Qin Zhang. Application of consumer RGB-D cameras for fruit detection and localization in field: A critical review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020, 177, 105687. (中科院一区Top)

[30]  Longsheng Fu*, Yaqoob Majeed, Xin Zhang, Manoj Karkee, Qin Zhang. Faster R-CNN-based apple detection in dense-foliage fruiting-wall trees using RGB and depth features for robotic harvesting. Biosystems Engineering, 2020, 197, 245-256.(ESI高被引论文、中科院一区Top)

[31]  傅隆生*, 宋珍珍, Zhang Xin, 李瑞, 王东, 崔永杰. 深度学习方法在农业信息中的研究进展与应用现状[J]. 中国农业大学学报, 2020, 25(2), 105-120.

[32]  Zhihao Liu, Jingzhu Wu, Longsheng Fu*, Yaqoob Majeed, Yali Feng, Rui Li, Yongjie Cui. Improved kiwifruit detection using pre-trained VGG16 with RGB and NIR information fusion. IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1), 2327-2336.(ESI高被引论文)


[33]  Longsheng Fu, Elkamil Tola, Ahmad Al-Mallahi, Rui Li, Yongjie Cui*. A novel image processing algorithm to separate linearly clustered kiwifruits. Biosystems Engineering, 2019, 183, 184-195.(ESI高被引论文、中科院一区Top)


[34]  傅隆生, 冯亚利, Elkamil Tola, 刘智豪, 李瑞, 崔永杰. 基于卷积神经网络的田间多簇猕猴桃图像识别方法. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(2): 205-211. (2019获“中国农业工程学会40周年优秀论文奖”、2020年入选领跑者5000中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文、2021年中国科技期刊农林学科年度优秀论文奖)


[35]  Jun Peng, Hongqi Xie, Yali Feng, Longsheng Fu*, Shipeng Sun, Yongjie Cui. Simulation study of vibratory harvesting of Chinese winter jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Dongzao).Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2017, 143, 57-65. (中科院一区Top)


[1]     傅隆生, 等. 一种振动式果实采摘器. 专利号:ZL201310412642.8, 授权公告日:2015-12-09.

[2]     傅隆生, 等. 气吸式沙棘果实采收装置. 专利号:ZL201310711085.X, 授权公告日:2016-04-27.

[3]     傅隆生, 等. 基于高光谱图像的过熟蓝靛果果实识别方法. 专利号:ZL201310463530.5, 授权公告日:2016-08-31.

[4]     傅隆生, 等. 基于人体红外传感器的智能吊扇及其控制方法. 专利号:ZL201510443661.6, 授权公告日:2017-11-28.

[5]     傅隆生, 等. 一种振幅可连续调节的振动式收获机传动机构. 专利号:ZL201510656747.7, 授权公告日:2018-08-14.

[6]     傅隆生, 等.基于Kinect相机的果实尺寸检测方法. 专利号:ZL201710563300.4, 授权公告日:2020-06-09.

[7]     傅隆生, 等.冬枣果实的全方位检测方法. 专利号: ZL201710714295.2,授权公告日: 2023-04-25.

[8]     傅隆生, 等.一种用于自走式振动采收机的双树干自动夹持装置和方法. 专利号: ZL201711224048.0,授权公告日: 2023-07-18.

[9]     傅隆生, 等.一种气吸式苹果采收机器人. 专利号: ZL201711179770.7,授权公告日: 2023-07-21.


[1]     傅隆生, 等. 基于马刀锯的机械振动式果实采摘器. 专利号:ZL201220685438.4, 授权公告日:2013-08-14.

[2]     傅隆生, 等. 基于曲线锯的振动式果实采摘器. 专利号:ZL201320120878.X, 授权公告日:2013-09-11.

[3]     傅隆生, 等. 一种振动式果实采摘器. 专利号:ZL201320564621.3, 授权公告日:2014-04-02.

[4]     傅隆生, 等. 气吸式沙棘果实采收装置. 专利号:ZL201320851706.X, 授权公告日:2014-07-30.

[5]     傅隆生, 等. 基于电动车电池组和往复式电锯的果实振动采摘系统. 专利号:ZL201420865446.6, 授权公告日:2015-06-03.

[6]     傅隆生, 等. 基于电锯的频率可调的实验用振动装置. 专利号:ZL201520022307.1, 授权公告日:2015-09-16.

[7]     傅隆生, 等. 基于单片机的实验用光照无线调节系统. 专利号:ZL201520563785.3, 授权公告日:2015-11-25.

[8]     傅隆生, 等. 一种猕猴桃传送分级装置. 专利号:ZL201520323970.5, 授权公告日:2015-12-09.

[9]     傅隆生, 等. 基于推拉力计的果实跌落冲击力测试平台. 专利号:ZL2015208730801, 授权公告日: 2016-03-09.

[10]  傅隆生, 等. 一种频幅可调的小果振动采摘机. 专利号:2015207931108, 授权公告日:2016-03-30.

[11]  傅隆生, 等. 一种果实振动采摘用的整行收集装置. 专利号:ZL201620119353.8, 授权公告日:2016-05-20.

[12]  傅隆生, 等. 一种自适应调整的图像采集装置. 专利号:ZL201521138726.8, 授权公告日:2016-05-03.

[13]  傅隆生, 等.一种无线传输的果树振动数据采集装置. 专利号:ZL201620112537.1, 授权公告日:2016-06-01.

[14]  傅隆生, 等.用于振动采收的树干自动夹持机构. 专利号:ZL2016202859226, 授权公告日:2016-08-17.

[15]  傅隆生, 等.一种猕猴桃采摘抓持力的测量装置. 专利号:ZL201720893958.7, 授权公告日:2018-02-02.

[16]  傅隆生, 等.基于RGB‑D相机的果实图像采集装置. 专利号:ZL2017208391445, 授权公告日:2018-02-23.

[17]  傅隆生, 等.一种树上果实分离力的直接测量装置. 专利号:ZL2017213150966, 授权公告日:2018-04-10.

[18]  傅隆生, 等.一种密植苹果树的果实上色反光膜铺设系统. 专利号:ZL2017213450903, 授权公告日:2018-05-11.

[19]  傅隆生, 等.一种猕猴桃采摘机器人的末端执行器. 专利号:ZL2017217476461, 授权公告日:2018-07-10.

[20]  傅隆生, 等.一种果园果实运输搬运装置. 专利号:ZL2018201976768, 授权公告日:2018-09-28.

[21]  傅隆生, 等.一种便携多用途的田间图像采集装置. 专利号:ZL2018208459283, 授权公告日:2019-01-11.

[22]  傅隆生, 等.基于静摩擦角差异性的猕猴桃坏果分选执行机构.专利号:ZL2021203935707, 授权公告日:2022-01-07.

[23]  傅隆生, 等.一种基于视觉感知与双流式喷雾的猕猴桃精准授粉机器人. 专利号: ZL202222740600.4,授权公告日: 2023-04-07.

[24]  傅隆生, 等.一种基于视觉感知与CoreXY结构的猕猴桃采摘机.专利号:ZL202223502813.X, 授权公告日:2023-07-14.


[1]     傅隆生, 等. 基于单摄像头和称重传感器的猕猴桃分级系统. 登记号:2015SR145906, 2015-07-29.

[2]     傅隆生, 等. 基于图像处理的海沃德猕猴桃体积测量软件. 登记号:2015SR161426, 2015-08-20.

[3]     傅隆生, 等. 基于图像处理的日间猕猴桃识别软件. 登记号:2015SR161780, 2015-08-20.

[4]     傅隆生, 等. 基于图像处理的徐香猕猴桃重量、体积测量软件. 登记号:2015SR195229, 2015-10-12.

[5]     傅隆生, 等. 基于图像处理的夜间猕猴桃识别软件. 登记号:2015SR201056, 2015-10-20.

[6]     傅隆生, 等.面向深度学习的图像扩增及标记软件. 登记号:2020SR0057646, 2020-01-13.

[7]     傅隆生, 等.基于Android手机的双目视觉成像软件. 登记号:2021SR0523392, 2021-04-12.

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